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The Road To High-Density Housing

Clayton - High-Density Housing

It’s a lot to ask of voters to do an in-depth analysis of the historical voting record to understand how various steps taken by the City have not only made it possible, but made it probable that types of development will occur that go against what most residents want.  Familiarity is much easier.  Casting a vote for a name you recognize at least gives some sense of continuity.  For someone like Shuey who has been a member of the Council for 16 years, people may have even voted for him before.  But a vote in the past does not mean you’ve signed a loyalty pact.  And if the people chosen to represent you act in ways that no longer represent your wishes, then it is your prerogative to vote for someone else.

Housing and land use are always key issues for a Council to deal with.  It’s important to look at the record and compare that to what a candidate says.  And the record will show that Shuey and Wolfe have voted multiple times in favor of things that would increase density downtown, and lead to development of three story rental buildings overshadowing downtown.  It didn’t happen overnight, but it did happen in the dark.  It’s time to shed light on what direction Shuey and Wolfe would take our city.

Below is a summary of official City Council and Planning Commission minutes highlighting Dave Shuey’s and CW Wolfe’s voting records that have put Clayton on the road to high-density housing *.

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* Full Minutes

City Council:
January 6, 2007
April 3, 2012
April 17, 2012
February 18, 2014
May 16, 2017
August 1, 2017

Planning Commission
April 25, 2017
July 11, 2017

Comments (1)

Well, aint that just a fine kettle of fish! Yah didn’t even pay no attention when folks asked yah to listen. Whoooey; no more Shuey (and his likes)!!

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