Why did Mayor Catalano deny Councilman Wan’s request to be on the 2-person City Manager candidate search subcommittee?
Selection of City Manager is often the most important decision performed by a City Council. The City Manager’s Tenure often does and ALWAYS SHOULD extend beyond tenure of volunteer citizens who serve on city councils. A subcommittee devoted to trails and landscaping is less important than one that determines selection of City Manager. Why are both Tuija Catalano and Julie Pierce serving on the most important subcommittee? Julie Pierce endorsed Tuija Catlano. Their voting records are identical OVER 99% of the time*. They are essentially one in the same. Carl Wolfe was also endorsed by Julie Pierce.
Jeff Wan received the most votes in the most recent election. He clearly represents different citizens within our Community. Mr. Wan made this point during the 4/16/19 council meeting and he asked to serve on this very important subcommittee. To add Mr. Wan to this subcommittee is a better representation of Clayton than to have 2 same-minded individuals who endorse the same missions and political campaign. Despite a conspicuous reason to best diversify Citizens’ Representation, Catalano and Pierce knew that this decision was so important that it warranted blowback from their steamrolling Jeff Wan and so many Clayton Citizens.
Please see the video and then compare Pierce/Catalano Voting History – Almost as if one person had 2 votes. Do the words in the video match Facts???
* For voting records see Clayton City Council meeting minutes:
Clayton City Council Agendas
What in the world?! That is very odd, and not impartial by any means. I somehow missed this meeting. What a shame!