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Save Clayton – Spread the Word

Clayton - High-Density Housing

The people of Clayton care deeply about this wonderful little town we live in.  Whether they are multi-generational “old timers” or recent newcomers, they all share one thing in common… they LOVE Clayton.  The entire existence of is a result of grass roots efforts by these very people wanting to preserve Clayton’s uniqueness and prevent it from falling into the same demise so many other little towns and cities in the Bay Area have experienced.  The main purpose of Save Clayton is to help spread the word to the people of Clayton.

Unfortunately, the City’s only newspaper The Concord Clayton Pioneer has not done its job of keeping the people informed.  Instead, this failing newspaper is nothing more than a biased rag serving as a mouthpiece for entrenched corrupt politicians in the city’s government.  Just recently, the newspaper’s publisher/owner Tamara Steiner managed to find room in her failing newspaper to publish a Letter to the Editor from a known “staunch” supporter of high-density “affordable” housing.  But Tammy couldn’t find any space in her little newspaper to report on the enormous 3-story, 81 unit, completely-out-of-character apartment complex currently being pushed by a local so called “developer.” “So called” because of his very limited experience of building anything (he’s actually a real estate broker).

Most of us remember last year when Tammy WAS able to find space to publish the idea of a 3-story memory care facility smack in the middle of downtown Clayton, and it was the headline news on the front page with big colored photos!  And that was just an idea as opposed to what’s going on now, which is just one step away from city approval.  This obnoxious piece of garbage that’s currently being proposed recently went before the Planning Commission and apparently had some real problems.  So much so, it didn’t even make it out of the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission has met not once but twice to deal with this, yet somehow good ole Tammy Steiner couldn’t find any room to report on it, much less show the public any pictures of this ugly monstrosity like she proudly did last year with the downtown memory care facility.

Which leads the people of Save Clayton to ask: WHY?  Well for starters, last year when her news paper published the article about the 3-story memory care facility in downtown Clayton, citizens became outraged and were furious. Both Planning Commission meetings and City Council meetings were packed with citizens objecting to the idea.  People organized, and it led to a major upset in the City Council election.  This time, however, good ole Tammy Steiner is remaining silent.  After all, her dear friend is running next year and we can’t have the electorate upset over something like a 3-story ugly building, or in this case, 3 separate 3-story buildings.

When people say the media is fake, corrupt or biased, they have a reason to say so. Last year, good ole Tammy Steiner did a nasty political hit job on the two candidates challenging the incumbent.  She was unsuccessful and her newspaper lost quite a bit of credibility with Clayton voters.  Now with this latest news blackout, she’s losing the last remaining credibility she may have left.

As a result of this fake news organization and the resulting information void the city has been experiencing, the people of Clayton are in desperate need of a reliable news source that will keep them informed with the facts.   So we will be publishing articles from time to time to put forth newsworthy events and information important to the people.  Keep your eyes open for more to come, and Spread The Word!

Comments (1)

Better hope he does this project. I understand there are AFFORDABLE housing companies wanting to purchase it if it gets approved.

Changing policy is easy to talk about but hard to do.

Personal comments about Steiner and Jordan do you no good with intelligent people.

Good luck!!!!!

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