Tamara Steiner, the publisher of the failed irrelevant Pioneer newspaper rag came out of the woodwork last night on NextDoor to once again take up for her gang on the City Council and pounce on those she disagrees with and feels threatened by. This time against a group of individuals who were legally and peacefully exercising their free speech.
This is what we’re up against, folks. Another serving of one-sided biased journalism. She’s part of that clique that always seems to be associated with agendas that would destroy Clayton. Think of the gas station project, the downtown Fulcrum project, the Jordan project, high-density housing, parolee housing, etc. See the pattern? And the good people who call this group out and are trying to stop them are made out to be the bad guys. And why did she take the opportunity to trash Frank Gavidia? He wasn’t even part of that public demonstration. Pretty evil and nasty.
She titled her Nextdoor post “Disgusting and Reprehensible”. Couldn’t have chosen a more fitting description of what she’s doing.
In case she’s deleted it here’s a copy of it…